How to Prepare for MRCOG Part-1 in 60 Hours

mrcog e learning programs mrcog online courses mrcog part 1 online courses Feb 26, 2024
MRCOG Part 1 Online Courses

As you decide to move on to the next step of your career, balancing the MRCOG Part 1 Exam prep is crucial for most students. Insufficient study might lead to failure, while excessive focus may strain jobs and families. Striking the right balance is key to ensuring success without compromising professional and personal responsibilities. Drawing from personal experience, here is what we recommend

Step 1: Prioritizing High Weightage Subjects:

MRCOG will ask 15-20 questions for each of these subjects —Anatomy, Physiology, Endocrinology, Pathology, Clinical management, Data interpretation, and Statistics. However, they will ask 5-10 questions for other subjects.

Step 2: Picking up the right topics:  Now, let's prioritize topics. You will need to analyse past papers to find and prioritize important topics in each subject. For example, we recommend you prioritize the Ant abdominal wall, pelvis, perineum, male reproductive organs, female reproductive organs & foetal skull from Anatomy. This will cut down your total study time from 200 hours to 60 hours to complete the preparation.

Step 3: Time Management: If you have prioritized the right subjects and topics we recommend you prepare just 30-45 min daily to complete and revise your course.

Step 4: Access Progress

Regular Assessments: Schedule regular mock assessments to identify areas of growth so you can ask for help or revise those topics.

Step 5: Get Ready

Pre-Exam Review: Dedicate the last 4-6 weeks for revision and practice tests.

Lastly, you must choose reliable study materials. We recommended reading relevant section topics from Oxford Revision Notes & Essential Revision Guide, SBA for Part 1 MRCOG by Andrew Sizer, & 400 SBA by Catherine. Also, we recommend going through the previous year's papers.

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